Rajtantra Election Management Software Is An All In One Election Management Software Solution. This Will Help You In Your Success. By The Help Of This Software You Can Manage Your Voter's Data According To Your Need.

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Nalstop, Pune Maharashtra


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About Rajtantra Election Management Software

Rajtantra Election Software

Rajtantra is an Election Management System. It helps candidate to manage voter database and interact with them through electronic ways of communication. This enhances connectivity of candidate with the voters. It has various other functionalities which helps in available resource management, people management etc. Candidate can register valuable voter information through apps, communicate through Bulk SMS, Call Center & Manage Election.

Expertise in Elections. Innovative Technology. Security and Compliance.
Election Management Voter Software & App Data

Secure, Transparent, and Efficient: The Future of Election Management.

Rajtantra (Election Management System) software solution is best for providing the election management software system, which is secure web-based application with the latest technology. It includes a mobile android application and software for voters survey and monitoring activity of ground work done by party workers. We realize your time is significant, so we have made campaign software to do all the hard work. Our software for politicians have developed powerful voter management software to help campaigns process that mountain of data and turn it into something useful, allowing them to target their messages more effectively and to easily track who they have talked to and when, providing statistical analysis of reports simultaneously.

Software Features

Main Features of Rajtantra systems

Leader Management.
Research your Problem
Booth Management
Duplicate voter list
Voter Databank & Management
Migrated Voter Management
War Room management
Voters Details Survey
Family Reports Generation
Voter list by Address
Alphabetically searching
Age/Area wise searching
Profession/ Blood Group wise searching
Party Worker Management
Website Development
Social Media Campaign
Personalised Bulk What’s App
Statistical Analysis and Reports
Personalised Bulk What’s App
Plays Recorded Message
Election Management System Screenshot

Benefits of Rajtantra Software

• Facility to do quick voter details survey through android application.

• Leader management, Religion, caste based voter management, migrated voter management.

• Party/Leader influence, Religion/Caste spread mapping through Colour module.

• Establish personal relation with voter through WhatsApp integration and follow-up messages to convince voters effectively.

• Hourly updates of voting progress on election day; helps in identifying our supporters who are yet to cast their votes.

• Booth Management facilities using the concept of “Hajari” Modules

• Key Person Allocation for Better results & personal Attention

• Alphabetical List, Family List helps to target the voter macro level

List Available in Rajtantra Voter Management

  • Birth date wise Voter list
  • Gender wise voter list
  • Caste wise voter list
  • Duplicate voter list
  • Voter List by Address
  • Voter List by Blood groups
  • Voter List by Gendert
  • Profession wise Voter list
  • Voter list by specific area
  • Political party wise voter list
  • Political party wise voter list
  • Voter List by Key person
  • Dead voters list/strong>
  • Surname wise voter list generation
Our Solutions

Our Services :

Booth Management Services

We provide well-trained, skilled staff for booth management on voting day.

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Social Media Marketing

We enhance your image with diverse social media branding strategies.

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Voters Survey

We track polls, exit polls, and voter surveys in specific areas.

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Voice SMS & What's App Marketing

Our direct CV marketing quickly reaches and influences voters effectively.

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Successfully use of our product

State Election

Maharashtra State Assembly Election 2004,2009 Gujarat State Assembly Election 2012-18 Karnataka State Assembly Election 2018 Rajasthan State Assembly Election 2008 Lok Sabha Election 2014,

Corporation Election

Sangli,Miraj & Kupwad Municipal Corporation Election 2003 & 2008 Ahmednagar Corporation Election 2003 & 2008 Navi Mumbai Corporation Election 2005,2010 Aurangabad Corporation Election 2005,2010 Pimpri Cinchwad Municipal Corporation Election 2007 Thane Municipal Corporation Election 2007

State Election 80%
Corporation Election 90%


At Rajtantra Election Management, we are committed to revolutionizing the way municipal elections are conducted. With a deep understanding of the unique dynamics and challenges of local governance, we provide tailored solutions that empower municipalities, candidates, and election officials to navigate the electoral process with confidence and efficiency.

Vidhan Sabha

At Rajtantra Election Management, we are committed to revolutionizing the way Vidhan Sabha elections are conducted. With a deep understanding of the significance and intricacies of state-level politics, we provide tailored solutions that empower candidates, political parties, and election authorities to navigate the electoral process with precision and efficiency.

Lok Sabha

At Rajtantra Election Management, we are dedicated to revolutionizing the way Lok Sabha elections are orchestrated. With a profound understanding of the significance and complexity of national elections, we provide tailored solutions that empower candidates, political parties, and election authorities to navigate the electoral process with precision and efficiency.

Municipal 80%
Vidhan Sabha 90%
Lok Sabha 90%
Company Case Study

Our Consulting Success

Data Collection


Social Media(Facebook Likes - 20k)


Social Media(Bulk SMS)


Social Media(Bulk Whatsapp)

rajtantra Agency
Real Client Stories

Customer Experiences

Sneha Bhuwad

I've worked with various election management tools, but Rajtantra stands out. Its voter management capabilities are unparalleled. The detailed voter profiles and segmentation options allowed us to tailor our messaging with precision, resulting in a higher engagement rate.

Nikhil Ovhal

Rajtantra Election Management Software revolutionized our campaign. It provided us with a seamless platform for voter management, making outreach and targeting strategies incredibly effective. The real-time analytics and user-friendly interface made a significant impact on our success.

Kirti Ghalsasi

As a county clerk, my priority is ensuring smooth and efficient elections. Rajtantra's software exceeded my expectations. It simplified the voter registration process, reduced administrative overhead, and enhanced the accuracy of our voter rolls. It's a game-changer for election officials.


Creative Teammates

Branding Head
Business Consultant
Performance Marketer
Business Analyst
Rajtantra With our Expert Team Members schedule meeting
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Rajtantra Election Management Company
